About HydRObotic Solutions
Manuel Maendel is Founder and Chief Operating Officer at HydRObotic Solutions Inc. located in Morris, Manitoba, Canada.
Offering Canadian VideoRay ROV sales with insight based on first-hand knowledge of the proper use and care of Sonar and VideoRay ROV underwater search equipment.
Manuel is also a Public Safety Diver and Search Lead at HEARTeam Inc. (Hutterian Emergency Aquatic Response Team)
He is an experienced VideoRay Mission Specialist ROV Pilot and sonar Technician specializing in underwater Search and Recovery of drowning victims.
Manuel’s passion to help distraught families has taken him throughout Canada and internationally on drowning victim recovery searches. He also offers ROV, Search and Sonar training to Law Enforcement and other Public Safety agencies based on in-depth knowledge and experience and equipment use working within some of the most challenging marine environments.